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Willy Trolove, NZ Herald, 2004

Some of the arguments in favour of the 1970's cooling are truly ridiculous.

The most absurd I know of is by Willy Trolove "Why I've given up worrying about the end of the World" in the NZ Herald, who says in part, and I quote:

In the 1970s, scientists thought that air pollution would cool the Earth and make the ice-caps march across the oceans. I recall this well because I remember watching a TV show in which the guest was a bloke with a scientific kind of beard, a globe and some shaving cream.

The bloke sprayed the globe with shaving cream to show how the ice-caps would advance. Soon the shaving cream covered the whole world. He explained that we would have to live in igloos and eat penguins to survive, and that it might be sensible to grow a beard just like his to keep warm (this memory might not be entirely accurate; it was a long time ago).

I'm grateful for steve.schulin@nuclear.com for posting the above to sci.env, though quite why he posted it is a mystery to me.

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