The full text of the paper is apparently available from JSTOR (or poss not: reports say the link doesn't work) at: but I don't have a subscription so I can't verify this.
Alistair says:
Unfortuately he is not debunking a myth. There was a scare in the 70s about another ice age, even if it was so long ago it is only a myth to those of William's age....
I quote that so you know Alistairs point of view. I guarantee that when I quote papers I am quoting them fairly and without bias (I do?!?) as far as I am able; I can't verify that here.
So, I'll quote Alistairs posting:
>Here is an excerpt from that meeting report; >" At the end of the working conference, the majority of the particpants agreed >the following points: >The global environments of the last several millennia is in sharp contrast >with climates that existed during most of the past million years. Warm >intervals like the present one have been short lived and the natural end of >our warm epoch is undoubtably near when considered on a geological >time scale. Global cooling and related rapid changes of environment, >substantially exceeding the fluctuations experienced by man in historical >times, must be expected within the next few millennia or even centuries. >In man's quest to utilise global resources, and to produce an adequate >supply of food, global climate change constitutes a first order >environmental hazard which must be thoroughly understood well in >advance of the first global indications of deteriorating climate. >Interdisciplinary attacks on these problems must be internationally >organised and encouraged to develop at a rate substantially exceeding >the present rate." >Among those present at the meeting were R.G.Barry, C. Emiliana, >J. Imbrie, W. Ruddiman, C.B.Schultz, N.J.Shackleton, and P.W. Weyl. >Contributions were recieved from among others Broecker, Dansgaard, >and Schneider.
So... this is fairly similar to G.J. Kukla, R.K. Matthews & J.M. Mitchell, Quaternary Research, 2, 261- 9, 1972, perhaps "sexed up" a little to appear in Science.