WMC's diary pages, 2004.

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December]

See-also: http://www.wmc.care4free.net/diary/.

January 2004

Thurs 1st

Poor little E Happy New Year! But E sick (ratty, hot) most of day, & sleeps with M.

A quiet day. Up late, read to me then Hobbit to D in midst of which Xan arrives but alone &, as it turns out, briefly; taking B with her. Finish Hobbit: D keen for sequel.

After lunch a walk, dragging D out, with Mfd, S & F. Just round ch in deference to F, then Si & I head on another muddy millenium walk towards Mill then circle L on longmoor: talking of A'dam, flats & work. Weather is still grey.

E to bed, happily, with D's comfy cat. Dinner; D indulged up late for lego; M beds him with ch 1 of t' big six.

D has so many new thoughts, things, presents & excitements running through his head that he cannot sleep.

Fri 2nd

D (in) and E (on) the magic transparent chair Mfd doesn't know whats underneath him... E wakes 2:30, 3:, 4, 5 & 6 according to M & after much to-&-fro ends, quietly, in our bed. So sleep late. M out before I'm up for calpol & misc.

At last, the end of our grand year-end holiday that seems to has gone on before memory.

Leave 1:15, back in 2h+ despite traffic (swift diversion) before Bicester & M's driving (am I allowed to say that?).

Sat 3rd

D comes into bed late, ~midnight. Uncomfortable for all, eventually carry him back.

Allot 11:30 for 1 1/2 ish. After pub for pint & find BSHT starting lunch so join for chat.

Home, lunch. M drags D out (he would rather play computer) to town & E screams piteously at her 'want mummy' which annoys M (why won't I be nicer to E) & me.

Sun 4th

D comes in to bed with us 8 ish and this is nice. A grey cloud deck is lit from a thin slit in the cloud, but this vanishes as the sun rises. Down with D, keen to play junkbot, and he does, while I lie by the fire dozily. When forced to wake up to help D with a level I do washing up, then make coffee and get to sit in the renewed sunshine. How nice. Somehow while we were perigrinating it always seemed to be grey. I'm now readng "Mrs Frisbee and the rats of Nimh" which is, of course, a childrens book, to D from B+Si, probably a bit old for him.

10, b'fast with D: E is still asleep - but this is probably good for her, and the later she sleeps the better, by pure chance this also allows me some quiet. M reading in bed. Confirm with D Planet Z and dismayed to find that "it is boring", and he doesn't want to go, nor to bowling. Rats. Phone A+C and apologise, but they offer to take him anyway. So we walk over at 11 (I offer D chance to go by self, and he nearly takes it, but decides against). They show me CR's regrettable letter in the CEN, so I'll have to respond.

Bit of shed (start shelves on house side, badly), then Andy, DBG turn up & we do the fields walk to the pub: currently trapped by DB by the bridge. Claire+S, & later M & E, turn up to pub. We play Mario tetris-like game: D does better than me.

Pm quiet: finish 'the rats of nimh'.

Soir: re-work wmconnolley & compose draft reply to CR.

Mon 5th

Back to work for M, later for me: E to M'a (M'a, GD, GK have all see CR letter; talk with PI) then D to coffee at work. Where D won't join us: sep table then hides under ours. Now watching vid in recep.

To N's: fail to fix sound but confirm 486. Borrow N to entertain D: to orchard for lunch: cheese toasties. Memo: one between two kids next time. Home: D and N play at modelling clay, and this is a good idea.

Work, 3. Sah has seen letter too!

Soir: civ/misc, and to read in bed (encouraged by M's example) till midnight. Silly!

Tues 6th

Grey morning: rain. Get to school on time by pushing D somewhat... he really has no idea at all about doing things and not wasting time. Sigh. Anyway, D to school and E to M'a and me to work.

Home 2, now sun, hurrah, go look at shed which is happy and then sit inside drinking coffee and eating toast and listening to Mr Richter. Then play a bit of civ 'cos I have a New Theory (the "expansion" theory) which sort-of works.

To school, pick up ED, and end up with Cory coming home too, and new one, Mother from USA. This works out well (though at one point C manages to say "my bad") and they play, paint the modelling clay D and N made y'day, and make some of their own. E happy too (except when fighting them for the computer) and I even get in a bit of civ. D wants to watch, but C sensibly doesn't. C collected 5:30 with promises of return. M back soon after, dinner, then trouble, as D just procrastinates and won't settle down, so does unsatisfactory piano and homework, v late, bed no story sad and *still* going off at tangents. Sigh.

7: rush off to PC but its finance ctte so back.

Nice double-halo around moon.

11: brief powercut. Time for bed!

Wed 7th

Town via smoko. Pool for ~1h & E has fun bouncing. Sun. Arj/cb1 quietly. Mackays for 4x1' & 3/4, then home: E falls asleep on bike. But wakes at home.

With E, trying to persuade her to sleep... no go. At least she is quiet. 3:15.

Put E to bed. She says, forcefully, 'huggy turn light out' & hands me said H. So I solemnly use his paw & E is happy.

Soir: pub: a+s; a.

Thurs 8th

W / Yoga. Home. Work outside? Hmm, looks like rain. Civ: naughty.

Fri 9th

DE from school. D wants to bring Cory home; well why not? So we do. And he proves OK, though did at one point say "my bad". The family American. Exchanges promised.

Draft ccn piece re parish Plans and show Dot; OK.

Book hols, tentatively, via web: mid-wales coast near-ish Cardigan. But, can we take time off school? this remains to be seen: probably. Mail Mfd+J. anyway, I award myself a gold star for finally doing this.

Civ till 1 a.m. Silly! Err, but fun.

Sat 10th

D wakes. 'E, do you want to go downstairs? Come on'.

Mail CP the ccn piece.

Re-cut animal boogie on the PC, since it has started to jump on the sound cd player. This works, somewhat to our surprise.

MED to w/rose am, D all bouncy with happiness that if he is good, M will allow him to buy lego racers stunt rally, and in consequence so buncy that he can't be good, to his dismay. Meanwhile I go to the allot and spend a good hour digging up more pots (sufferring from frost and worm, alas). After, I have a half at the pub and sit outside, since it feels warm after all that digging. M happens to drive past so she stops for brief chat - I'm nearly finished anyway. Stop on way back to talk to Trish re gov stuff.

Pool. Andy comes to pick us up at 1:30 and we drive to Impington but! Its closed for cmas maintenance. Argh. Where now? End up, parkside, and hope traffic/parking not too terrible. And it isn't, really. So he and I, DE, BG, swim around. E is happy to swim again even yhough we went on wed; D gleefully swims under water and play with B. G perhaps a littlle subdued. Spot Helen, Allan, Charlie and C's friend. Talk. D gets one go down flumes then our 1 1/2 h (timed by green wristbands) is up and we have to go. Stop for food (chips, urgh) in canteen. Tired after: the rest of today and tomorrow is somewhat grim for me, as I feel tired/ill/frowsty/whatever. A mild cough too, shades of E. Still, D goes to B (who borrows lego racers 2) after so its a peaceful afternoon with only E.

D to bed on duvet on floor for some reason.

I to bed at 9:30 (good) but read till 11:30 (fin maskerade; bad me).

Sun 11th

D into our bed o'night (M). Hence I sleep badly: the bed ain't big enough for the 3 of us.

Feel ill: eyes, taste in mouth. Happily E sleeps to 10 and I doze in sunshine.

D plays sr till 11. Would play all day, if we let him. E: plays Spot, when she gets her chance, and D helps her which is nice. There is sun: so sit/collapse in it.

After lunch, out. We try the new aeroplane kite, badly, though the propellor goes round. Probably not the kites fault. The wind, though cutting, is gusty and weak on the green. Perhaps our garden would have been better? D tries N's bike a little and manages to ride say 20 yards, once I've got him started. But tends to get distracted.

Notice that our living room fire has one of the jets more yellow than the others and producing small amount of soot. Odd. Serious?

M kaes (nice) curry for dinner, E won't touch it but D has some.

Bath time for infants, I wash D's hair, painlessly (for him).

Go through (dull) parish file.

Soir: M email, me a little civ (revert to 1800, then 1730).

Mon 12th

W / Y / W.

Tues 13th

E: 'did you hear me: i want more yoghurt'.

Pc 7. Fairly long to try to make sense of rec charity. GD is not nimble.

Civ till 12:20: M was reading her book.

Wed 14th

10.15: to Ma. Sleet on way.

4: back E slept.

Gov (& M to book club: K covers) finance tight.

Thurs 15th

Home 2, skip Y. Book hol: 1 week fri 16th july.

1 h work on shed, but then captured by evil demon of Civ, of dear. Pick up E 5:30 then D from home club.

At last a free night! Waste most of it on civ but do diary & some pics online.

Fri 16th

School: pick up E, chat with N, Penny, etc. DN are at multi-s (indoor hockey today: its chill out): after a while E & I watch.

PC stuff: Noticeboards - ok as temp. Gate from churchyard to field doesnt shut properly (posts are solid).

Phone B Cook re E's language re-test wed 28th.

Back to school to get D and N. D shows her stunt rally, and they play misc. They do get-well cards for Billy, who has proken his arm sliding on yesterdays ice (and frozen mud). Oops. Last thing, we take them round, and indeed he has a cast, but also a smile, and doesn't seem to be too put out thought it is a real break.

Sat 17th

D up early sr. I laze in sun in bed, lovely.

E: 'I'm cute'. Me: yes. E: (tells M to stop singing). Me: are you bossy? E: 'I not bossy, I (mi)Randa!'.

M takes DE to w/rose and I take me first to town (dropping off boots onthe way at allot), arj/cb1 briefly, and chiefly so I can buy my museli; then back to allot where I dig quite nicely for 1h+, following it up with a pint in the pub. If I keep this up, or perhaps a bit more, it should be in good shape next spring. Ground quite workable.

pm: what? I've forgotten! Oh dear.

Civ till 12:30: egyptians, fr, persians (who nuke me so get nuked back). After a while I've seen the word temple so often I can't spell it anymore: Temp*le*, not el.

Sun 18th

D up early 7:20 again (I see him rush past our door), and back on Stunt Racer, he is as bad as me with Civ, but at least he is keeping me off it.

Sun. E gets me up at 8:30.

11: take D to to s/c - I haven't been for ages sez he, happy to go. I go to investigate the path diversion signs that ?ccc? don't want any more and which might make temporary pc sign boards. Yes, they look OK: cycle 1 sign back home. Thence to shed: filling in the back walls: get the jigsaw out, its much quicker than by hand. Such fun that I suddenly realise that I'm late! Hurry back to pick up D. But after that I'm early, by a min or two. Carry off second sign. Stop off at Billys to see if he is available but no: no one home. D disconsolate, partly because B has a nintendo console.

Reading OTSOG, Newtons Principia section. There are no equations! (a bit later I find a few, but not many). It makes it very clumsy, all decribed in words. D goes to to J all by himself (I refuse to go). Back 1.30 lunch: keen return.

M tired/sad: to town. I won't let D play SR till the sun goes down and insist on going outside, for a walk or sandpit. D/E choose S'pit. While they play, I get some gardening in, mostly tidying stuff straight into the green wheelie bin - how convenient. Somewhat more hopefully I go to do a bit on the shed, and get a little done. Kids at end of the garden, exploring along the brook, but need to be reminded not to intrude onto us. D recognised one of them as a "friend". MEanwhile, at the sandpit, cold hands and the sun quietly fades to grey. Inside, D in tears from returning circ pain. But that soon clears up, D off to J, E plays maisie, then with me in l'room.

When D returns, E runs to computer...

Baths for D and E, then bed. 7:30: I start on civ again.

So, I am finally free of the evil demon of Civ! Admittedly it took me till 12:30 at night, and I ended up nuking the Romans, which was bad for my pollution score, but nonetheless it is done: victory on deity level and a large board. Hurrah for me. Normal life can now resume.

Mon 19th

W / Y / W. Back in pouring rain. M is making the traditional monday kedgeree and D is tradiationally prevaricating over homework and piano, thus ensureing no time for SR. Hello E.

Soir: M yoga. I do some web stuff, and read. Dinner when M back: she to bed early (10) tired.

Install p shop elements that came with 5700. Panotools. Why is viking 128M card so *slow*?

Tues 20th

D would be to S but S sick & D happy to go home & play SR: fine but perhaps he could show more sorrow in front of P.

Wed 21st

D up sr. E into bed chatter. Woken 8:15 E shout.

D to school, I push E on her new tricycle from MfdJ: she is learning how to steer - D helps.

Home, I b'fast, E plays Spot. Unpack Anns files, all ps, odd. When will I get to look at them? To smoko (late) then pool (E's req), arj, cb1. Back (via rec) as sun starts to peep out. E falls asleep on bike.

E to sch & hand to M so I can rush off to work. After quick smoko unpack A&A's file & phone conf re sea ice. Useful. More prep next time.

Back 6. D homework. Med sing at piano. I play sr for D & beat 'glacia' for him: its a matter of slowing down on the curves, he hasn't worked this out yet.

Soir: pics for 2003/11, letter to jm, M gathers docs for tax form.

Thurs 22nd

While we're in bed: D wins sr: shouts of triumph from downstairs as Mr X goes down in flames or whatever and D is now World Champion. But what will he do now? Come upstairs in great excitement and tell me he's won, it seems.


Shed in rain 3-4:30 back wall complete. Apart from the minor gaps.

Img comes round and says (district) planners don't like us. Oh dear. Thats a bit depressing, especially after their initial "no objection in principal". Strategy is unclear. Wait till after PC vote for one thing.

When I pick up E M'a shows me CR has written a reply to my reply, still incoherent when you look closely. Pick up D from B on the way back, since we're passing. Stop to chat with C/A while E plays in the living room, hopefully OK. G still shy.

Home: E tea bath. M does nonagrams.

Soir: remember that sftp on windows needs cygdrive; need to move wlan to trusted (in zone alarm) to get in. But then its OK. Still can't get through xp to the outside world though. But backup portege.

Fri 23rd

Work sh*t*: phones & shorts at interview. Good grief. There am I, slaving over a hot computer producing hot science (or trying to) while a pile of bozos have nothing better to do with their sad lives than worry about dress code. and don't get me started on the phones. As you can see, work is just the teensiest bit frustrating and I fantasize about flouncing off in a huff to a high-paid job in... oh, the french alps, usually.

Home: coffee, read by fire. Thats more like it. Peace.

Pick up E; D to multi-s. Fairly quietly with E. M phones in late, having had ??? dumped on her at the last minute so I sigh paiently but don't complain, that being our arrangement.

Collect D from A's at 7, where all is well.

M not back till past 6. I cook pots forgetting I'm out tonight. To: the PTA curry evening. Not quite my thing, you know ohw unsociable I am, but it all goes well enough and I end up between Mrs L and Mrs S at dinner and we talk of D and stuff; and a (lib dem) city cllr opposite who knows SH, vaguely (and CR rather better; we commiserate. In fact CR turns out to be a useful conversation piece elsewhen that evening). Leave a bit earlier than intended - partly because I got the time wrong - after a pretty good curry. And 3 tigers. Feel stuffed.

Sat 24th

Another saturday morning routine: I'm up late (later than I wanted, as ever...). Med to w/rose; I finish b'fast then: 11-1: allot - a lot of dig. Lovely day. Soil nice to dig, lots of weeds but removable, I'm getting optimistic (oh no not again) that I may get it into shape *this* year. Ha.

3: take D to Larrys party. D: I've forgotten where L lives. But I haven't. Look at Mrs S's trees on the way there, and more on the way back, with Beryl somewhat. With E to b/w - takl to woman who now has Sam's old house. She too has a tree problem, but a real one, with DNA tests too and a crumbly garage. Then approached by JM again re trees. Hmm. Quite a bit of feeling over this.

Bath time: first E, then D.

Soir: M tax form. I wireless - attempt xp connection sharing - fail again. Upoad 2003-10 pics (2-stage via bscomp as direct fails). Networks: why are they so difficult? Well, because I'm using windows of course: it works well enough under linux, even I made it work. M mutters "must buy wireless router" but never actually does it.

Maths joke: Doctor, Solicitor, Mathmo: is wife or mistress best? Doctor: wife: security. Sol: mistress: less claim on property. mathmo: both: they can chat while you go off and do maths! Ah, the old days...

Sun 25th

D sneaks downstairs (unfair? No sneak?) & E into our bed, burbling.

Fix holes in pockets on shorts, by inelegantly sewing in cloth from an even older pair. E decides on playdo and is joined by joined by D, stopping SR to do so: good grief. They make "ginerbread" in the toy oven, pulled on to the table for the purpose. B'fast, then D cookieboo (watched by E), which has been taken over by yanks, sadly. Still he likes it.

10.30: so I sneak off to sit in the l'room in sun with coffee awaiting M, who is still asleep, or nearly so.

Take D to Sunday club (Nelson tries to discuss lego racers 2 and Dino island but I can't quite remember where we were: I suspect N is now ahead of us, rats. Have we raced Sam Sanister?) and proceed on to allot: where I dig up pots at the back, and even find some (red) onion. Its a glorious day for digging, perhaps a bit wet soil, except right at the back by the trees where its dry as ever. Back at 12 for D with muddy boots (me) so I don't go in while he helps tidy.

Lunch outside - in January. And me in a tee shirt (not shown) As D and I walk back I stop to photo the tree and environs around MRs S's, D ehlpfully getting into the picture. D remarks that its a mild day - and We decide that we should try to have lunch outside. And so we do, even persuading M. M is all wrapped up, I am in my tee shirt (and tracksuit trousers from allot, granted). D has made some bread balls (they were to be cut-out bread shapes but E had st on the loaf in the rtolley so flat bread was scarce) and I have cheese and coffee. E has been playing in the sandpit.

After lunch, down the garden to the mighty shed, where I want to put the door in. Eventually I decide that the best thing to do is put in a door lintel, hence concreting to level it is easiest (I suspect I might have got away without had I wanted). Short of gravel. While I dig out a channel for the pour and set all level, D and E make sand pies inside and M sits down quietly. Behind us, the bees are busy in the hives, well, busy in one at least (the further) with 100+ bees visible at one point. The closer one is a bit thinner mind. Just as mixing is coming on, D and E go back taking M, so I get left in peace to do the messy bit, and set some boards (hardwood from the school pool) in it. Good.

After that its still sunny and 3. I suggest a walk - esp to D. But No, despite repeated requests. E neither. And not M :-(. So I take this as my cue to sulk a bit and retreat from involvement. But E decides she wants to try out here new bike/trike, I push her aronud outside somewhat and try and get into her head the concept of steering. Does she understand at all? Its not clear. She can. Sometimes. But is just as likely to ride along, bend fully back looking at me...

Soir: process some pics and text so get put up 9,10/2003.

The read, with M doing nonagrams (she has found a site on the web) until 11:30. Silly us.

Mon 26th

Cold but thats OK. D to school, E to M'a, me to work, ready to face the demons of the FD stresses. And it is rather hard work, but by the end of the day (yoga lunchtime; Janet by some means I missed offended some newcomer who left. Oh dear) I am happy in my mind that I know what is going on, in all but the coriolis, which is subtly different on and offline. Odd.

Home a little late (plans. Sigh). I defrost kedgeree while D piano then homework. E eats apple (or not). M off to yoga. I web/wiki; Rick drops by chat/paper. M back 9:15 and drops into nonargam mode.

Bed before 11: sanity returns... well, nearly.

Tues 27th

Its chill. Home, lunch by fire. Shed: move crossbar up & size up door; cut post. While I'm about it, there is a brief snowfall for about 2 mins.

Rush off to pick up E & see D to S. M'a says potty training not going too well: 2 poos in pull-ups.

E logs in! & is pleased with self.

'Animal rights activists have welcomed Cam U's decision not to build a centre for med research using monkeys'. Builders, or bricks would be better!

'are you daddy?' yes. Rpt * 3... whats up? Then E says 'very well'. Ah: '*how* are you daddy?'. E wears many bracelets. Now I am.

Radio: uni grants debate.

Soir: pc at 7: apply pav grant, reject our plan :-(, Mrs S's cherry: who owns? Fin 7:40: early! Walk back with db & m's.

Soir: M fin tax form, I bath: excuse: minor cold.

Wed 28th

M to bed past midnight & to my grump points out snow outside. E wakes in night & M brings her into bed: result: sleepless time for 3 before all (inc E) agree she should go back to own.

Morning: delighted D bounces in to report snow.

D to sch, we're late because of playing in snow (about 2", just freezing, good for snowballs). Surprised that few others late. Hand over cheque/letter to jm.

Back of ch so I can photo. Get cold feet: sit in sun & shelter of porch to warm. Lovely in sun, cold out of it. E wears D's donkey jacket: its too big but warm & she looks cute (E: I cute!).

Home to warm up. A day at home I think. Later out to play in snow: we (I) build snow cat. E can hardly pick things up her sleeves are so long.

Start bread. Slow. Old yeast?

Lunch. Tidy house, partly in prep Beryl Cook visit re-test E (which doesn't happen: prob weather).

News: hutton whitewash.

3: light rain. The bright shiny snow is melting :-(. Fading light: gusts: snow again swirling, making the vortices visible. More: thick flakes.

MD in the blizzard Blizzard starts, violent gusts. MD back, snowy. D wants to build an igloo but its not *that* deep & its v windy - I stay in.

D gets Jesse & Ezra over: they play out a bit then in: lego.

D piano.


Soir: 2003/08 but not hols.

Thurs 29th

Cold. Snow, crisp and even if not too deep: only 2ish inches. Quiet though. To sch - empty. Ah... yes. So... errr, what now? (It later turns out that there was a phone mess telling us so). D gets v cold hands on the way to M'a (he was out early running aronud). Leave E at M'a, who has some latex gloves, which apparently work very well to keep the skin warm under gloves. She gives D a pair, and they certainly make him much happier, he thinks they keep him super-warm. Home again (via B's: but he is going to Sally: rats): back where we started, well minus E, true.

Phone around a bit but A is occupied with N and others so no room there. Try taking D to Jess's and this turns out OK: he is welcomed in (they turn out to be home-schooling, and therefore not affected by snow: we are interrupting lessons but this is OK it seems). So I leave him there, and M at home has strict instructions and a buzzer to retrieve him before 11. I get to work at 10 and perhaps 2/3 of people are around. Back around 12:30 where M has recovered from early-morning work and is playing with D. Lunch together - how nice. Sit in sun.

3: walk D to N's by (new) back way. Beautiful. Arctic - sort of. Yellow grass poking through cold snow. Photos, many of them. Will need a sort. But I'm also bedding down the camera. At N's find her lodger Dietmar being fed at the table. Last night he fell off bike and dislocated both shoulders: this is v painful it seems. But he astonished the doctors by discharging self this lunchtime so N went to pick him up.

N had borrowed the vid to take N's violin, and some snow pics. I work out the xfer to tape, I've done this a lot now. Then drag N D out (does joyous snow pall this soon? I do have to drag them. But now they are learning that snow is cold too). Walk slowly back near sunset ponder light & planners, curse them.

6: drive pick D. For some reason N has no trousers but panties on, this is acceptable (says N, I agree) - but D follows her to the loo and this is perhaps less so. And so they will grow up.

Marcus arrives as scheduled but we're not ready so he goes to see a friend for 10 mins. Then E in bed, D has a 1/2 chapter of TBS, and gets marcus to read to him as we go out. To: Beer fest. Its better than before: easier to get to bar and served (perhaps weather helped). Hello Hugh (worse for wear) and Mike T. Sit down - luxury. A+S arrive (C+A not coming: new baby last night! Girl, early, not too much so). A+S haven't eaten and chef's car crashed so: after 1/2, to Castle to eat, and then, well, we stay there. Its quieter (though still quite noisy tonight), we have our souvenier glasses, we're comfy here and the beer is just as good. Talk; misc, then Hutton. A and I disagree very strongly and loudly, with S on A's side and M somewhat. My argument: H is whitewash, carefully avoiding asking the right questions, govt is lying. A's: H said no. So what?

Back past 11. Hard cold stars.

Fri 30th

B'fast: E becomes sad when I turf huggy off my chair - he was sleeping nuder his balnket, apparently. She is placated when I find him somewhere else to rest.

School. Its chill, just raining, snow is turning slushy and clearly won't be around much longer. E to M'a, D to class: school has reopened, and really could have been open yesterday.

Work. Back 2 for coffee. Start off some yeast again, this time give it loads of time and much honey. I think our yeast is getting old and slow - like me! - and needs time. This in aid of bread since we haven't been to the shops for a while. Pick up E from school. Multisports is cancelled "due to weather" - fools - its inside. They just fancy an afternoon off. But anyway D to N's. E and I back home, E looking plaintively after D. Maybe its time E starting having a social life?

Home. Tidy - bathroom; kitchen, etc. M has permission to come home 4:30 ish so I phone then: no answer. Phone 5:30 and she is still at work so I get quite ratty, perhaps a bit too much so as I over egg my pudding and lose my moral advantage. But at least she comes back to tidy the spare bedroom.

Collect D (wimp: in car) 6.30 from N - they have been good. N forces them to do some tidying if they want any ice cream.

MfdJ arrive ~7. Dinner: pots/sos; eggs; raw veg. Extended bedtime: Mfd finishes The Big Six for D: not one of the best, too many implausibilties.

Soir: quietly. Install nikon view (fussy: won't work if palm cradle plugged in) but faster than removing cf card. So is the windows driver for it poor? Probably. Talk MfdJ re Hutton: they are with me (which makes for a dull conversation...), and M backpedals somewhat from last night to assert A and I were in "violent agreement" which is a nice phrase, but not in this case an accurate description.

Sat 31st

Rain hard & the sound of D playing lego sr. E comes in 8 & M offers her us or MJ: she goes to them, so we get joint lie-in.

Town past 11, germ br/lunch. Then split: me to arj/cb1. Meet w/s at 2. Oxf. Stuff from Lakeland - how to fit. Back 3: mild. J sleep? E bounces off. D at B.

Bread. M w/rose.

D back near 6 with lego r 2 (*not* sr - keep up). Nelson is on mars - we must keep up! Win #4 dino is, but not Sam S.

E: i am a robot i come from space.

I read ch 1 of Missee Lee.

Mfd & I discuss pornographers but i have confused pythons sir sidney with his neville. Its a quiet book-reading eve.

Pictures: all

  • Poor little E

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