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Footpaths of Coton

Footpath sign with church in background Coton parish has 9 footpaths, as shown on the map below (except for number 7, which is up off the top of the map from the road to madingley).

If you have a problem (overlong vegetation; overhanging branches; missing waymarks; whatever) then its best to contact the parish council.

The paths are:

  1. Heads off west towards the "long road" running down to Comberton; if you head straight across this you'll end up in Hardwick.
  2. Goes round the school, then heads up hill past the water reserviors to the American Cemetary. You get a good view from up on the hill. The photo above is the waymarker for this path when it interescts the road by the school.
  3. Runs from a "hole in the wall" on the High St, over a field, through some nice little bits, over bin Brook, and joins number 6 when it crosses the road.
  4. This path has something of a history to it so I won't be too explicit... it goes through the churchyard as a permissive path (something rather dubious there...) then becomes a real path and joins #3
  5. Starts where "The Footpath" road ends; is a main cycleway into Cambridge.
  6. Starts across the road from #4 and carries you over fields and a non-road bridge over the M11 to join the Newnham road.
  7. I don't know this one.
  8. Carries #5 over the motorway bridge. The scene of much infighting between the County and the Highway folk, neither of whom want to cut back its brambles.
  9. Initially through a little wood parallel to the Evil M11, then around fields; ends where it becomes a City FP to I know not where.
Not numbered: the continuation of #5 over the motorway, which goes into Cambrdige (Grange Road) as a cycleway.

This is a map of the footpaths of Coton. It covers most of them, though since it only shows them in relation to Coton its a map *of* the foopaths, not a useful walking map. That may follow later.

[Webmaster] [Last modified: 16/7/2003] [Copyright WMC]